Trans Social

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We believe trans socials provide the backbone for social transitioning possibilities, irrespective of an individual’s decision to transition legally and/or medically.

Trans Social is the only organisation dedicated to support, grow and enrich this community and its network of trans socials.

We’re on a mission to create possibilities for experiencing your best life.

Think social. Be social. Trans Social

Join us. Fund us.

Services provided for

  1. All LGBT+ Communities
  2. Trans People/People with gender histories

Key areas of work

  1. Advice/Information
  2. Education
  3. Events
  4. Gender
  5. Harassment
  6. Hate Crime
  7. Infrastructure/Community Development
  8. Mental Health
  9. Networks
  10. Research
  11. Self-help/Support Group
  12. Training

Contact Details



[email protected]


Opening Hours

Meeting Times

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