The Quest


The Quest is a social enterprise which organises personal development programmes, retreats and events for gay, bi and queer men.
The Quest’s mission is simple – to help gay, bi and queer men better understand and transform the relationships they have with themselves, others and the world they inhabit.
We believe the true value of our work can be found in the lives of the participants, so our approach is as flexible, diverse and authoritative as you want it to be.
The core values at the heart of our work play a fundamental role in how we conduct business and provide service.
Exist with awareness, acceptance and a greater confidence to live your life ‘in colour’ by understanding your past, fully embracing your present and creating a future that is authentic.
Leadership, Inspiration, and Positive Change by consistently offering our wealth of professional experience, creativity to inspire, passion for our work, and a genuine openness to critical feedback that inspires change.
The courage to seek authentic relationships and ultimately affect change within the wider community, where each individual possess the support, knowledge, courage and commitment to make a difference.
A supportive, safe and social environment made up of equals, in which compassion and the desire for personal betterment fosters an atmosphere of honestly, authenticity and genuine growth.
Integrity, accountability and our commitment to consistently exceed the expectations of our clients, by always being the very best we can be.

At the Quest Collective, we offer free events and paid for personal development programmes for bisexual, gay and queer men as well as for the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Over the last 8 years, our in person and virtual social events and workshops have seen over 10,000 participants who have experienced the following impacts:
– Improved relationships and mental health
– Increased confidence and self-awareness
– Reduced anxiety, depression and negative inner dialogue
– Reduced incidence of substance abuse and addictive behaviours

Free events
The Quest Mosaic are facilitated gatherings for Black, Asian and Other Racialised Minority gay, bi & queer men coming together to connect, share experiences and build community. (online)

The Quest Wednesdays are where gay, bi & queer men connect in interesting conversations and open sharing using a specific theme as a catalyst for exploration. (online)

The Quest T. Party – Join us for a convivial in person get together to share the ‘T’. The Quest Founders Ade and Darren will be hosting this wholehearted event – a chance for familiar faces and total newcomers to come together to enjoy engaging conversations and (optional ) fun games. (in person)

Paid programmes
The Quest Programme for Gay, Bi + Queer men is an experiential journey designed to empower gay, bi & queer men into a powerfully positive way of living –– free from the constraints of the past and unleashed to the possibility of the present.

Daring Greatly™ Program for LGBTQIA people – Daring Greatly™️ is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. The method was developed to help men, women, and adolescents learn how to show up, be seen, and live braver lives.

Our prices are offered on a sliding scale and some of our events and programmes are generously supported by the Social Enterprise Support fund from The National Lottery – enabling a diverse range of participants.

Services provided for

  1. Bisexual Men
  2. Brown, Black and Multi-Racial People of the Global Majority (PGM)
  3. Gay Men
  4. Men

Key areas of work

  1. Events
  2. Mental Health
  3. Networks
  4. Self-help/Support Group

Contact Details

Opening Hours

Meeting Times

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