The Preptrack Foundation

Founded in 2020, The Preptrack Foundation is a not-for-profit developing technology for sexual health. Specifically, we build mobile apps to support the use of PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), a drug which provides protection from HIV infection.

We’re operate differently from many charities. We’re a bit like a tech startup: bringing together talented people to build the best products and make the biggest impact. Unlike a startup, we’re not motivated by profit. We exist solely to serve the community and improve sexual health.

We’re a multi-disciplinary team from across the technology and sexual health sectors. We’re fully remote, globally distributed, and entirely staffed by volunteers. We build our products exclusively in-house, from design to engineering and everything in between.

To find out more, get in touch, donate, or volunteer, contact [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

The Preptrack Foundation is a registered charity in England and Wales (reg. no. 1190908).

Services provided for

  1. All LGBT+ Communities
  2. Brown, Black and Multi-Racial People of the Global Majority (PGM)
  3. Men
  4. People over 50
  5. People with disabilities
  6. Women

Key areas of work

  1. Healthcare
  2. Sexual Health

Contact Details

Opening Hours

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