The Cactus Club

The Cactus Club was set up in 1993 to introduce line dancing to the London LGBT scene. Since then, even with many changes in venue and taste, we are still going strong. We teach line dancing and gender neutral couple dancing to whoever wants to learn at The Two Brewers every Tuesday. Dance is not just a good form of physical exercise but learning the routines gives your mind a work out too! Line is a good introduction to dance as it cover so many different types of musical style and as you learn solo, there is no need to worry about a partner. This is a social club too and a good way to make new friends.  For those who enjoy ballroom and couple dancing –  we also hold gender-neutral tea dances every few months at The Grafton Dance centre in Dulwich. See our website for classes and events.

Services provided for

  1. All LGBT+ Communities
  2. Bisexual Men
  3. Bisexual Women
  4. Brown, Black and Multi-Racial People of the Global Majority (PGM)
  5. Gay Men
  6. Intersex/Variations in Sex Characteristics (VSC)
  7. Lesbians/Gay Women
  8. Men
  9. Non-UK Residents
  10. People over 50
  11. Trans People/People with gender histories
  12. Women
  13. Young People

Key areas of work

  1. Events

Contact Details


07774 292092


[email protected]


Opening Hours

7pm - 10:30pm

Meeting Times


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