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ReportOUT is a human rights research organisation that documents the human rights abuses and development needs of sexual and gender minorities, in different nations across the globe. Our tagline is: Report. Inform. Defend.

Since 2019, ReportOUT have been at the forefront of protecting the human rights of sexual and gender minorities in both the United Kingdom and globally. As a registered charity in England and Wales, we are fearless, determined and relentless in our belief that human rights are fundamental to advancing the lives of SOGIESC* people and their communities.

Our aim:
To promote human rights throughout the world for sexual and gender minorities by all or any of the following means:

​​Our objectives:
– eliminating infringements of human rights;
– research into human rights issues;
– raising awareness of human rights issues;
– educating the public about human rights;
– monitoring abuses of human rights;
– international advocacy of human rights;
– providing technical advice to government and others on human rights matters.

How do we do this?
ReportOUT believe that globally, all sexual and gender minorities deserve to live with safety, dignity and should have equal rights. We believe that no one should be left behind. To do this, we empower people to elevate their voices, ensure that their human rights are met, and we make certain that sexual and gender minorities are not left behind in their nation states development. We ensure that lasting and positive change is felt across the globe.

We do this through collaborating with others in all nation states (including the U.K.), through documenting human rights infringements and through bringing together collective voices to educate others and expand support for human rights activism. Through doing this, we shift power by ensuring that the human rights of sexual and gender minorities are not left behind or ignored, through influencing governments and policy makers to make positive social change.

To make these changes happen, we mobilise our expertise in research, campaigns, events, and education and we bring our partnership model to work inclusively with people in, and outside, of their nation state.

*SOGIESC: Sexual orientation, gender identity, expression and sex characteristics.

Services provided for

  1. Ace Spectrum Communities
  2. All LGBT+ Communities
  3. Brown, Black and Multi-Racial People of the Global Majority (PGM)
  4. Intersex/Variations in Sex Characteristics (VSC)
  5. Men
  6. Non-UK Residents
  7. People of Faith
  8. People over 50
  9. People with disabilities
  10. Women
  11. Young People

Key areas of work

  1. Advocacy
  2. Campaigning/Activism
  3. Education
  4. Events
  5. Gender
  6. Immigration
  7. Policy/Representation
  8. Publications
  9. Research
  10. Sexual Violence
  11. Training
  12. Volunteering

Contact Details

Opening Hours

10 - 5pm, but based on volunteer hours

Meeting Times

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