Queering The Meeting

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Queering The Meeting started last year as a pilot online programme, introducing members of the LGBTQI+ Community to tools and practices of group convening, in particular to the components of participatory decision making.

In facilitating learning spaces for this practice, QTM intended to build individuals and thus groups’ confidence and competencies in fostering inclusive environments for collaboration, work and organising. There are many invisible hierarchies within group settings which can see members of the LGBTQI+ community excluded and marginalised at varying intersections.

The intentions of QTM are

  1. To skill up our community in participatory facilitation; and enrich the capabilities of collaboration within community organising.
  2. Maximise the potential of members of our community to contribute to and convene groups confidently in their respective professional environments; encouraging new inclusive working practices.
  3. To equip our community with methods of managing inevitable conflict which arises from working collectively across a diversity of perspectives, and thus set ourselves up to work positively in truly radical and intersectional ways.


It is currently existing in a phase of research and development.

Services provided for

  1. All LGBT+ Communities
  2. Brown, Black and Multi-Racial People of the Global Majority (PGM)
  3. Non-UK Residents
  4. People of Faith
  5. People over 50
  6. People with disabilities

Key areas of work

  1. Campaigning/Activism
  2. Education
  3. Infrastructure/Community Development
  4. Networks
  5. Training

Contact Details



[email protected]


Opening Hours

Meeting Times

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