Queer Menopause Project

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Welcome to the Queer Menopause Project!

• Raise awareness of LGBTQIA+ experiences of menopause.
• Find, create and promote inclusive menopause resources.
• Push for better education for therapists and healthcare practitioners about the needs of LGBTQIA+ people in menopause.

Many mainstream menopause resources exclude the experience of people who are not cisgender and/or not heterosexual. They are also often very white-focused. This state of affairs reflects the public conversation promoted in the mainstream media and in education. One of the outcomes of this is that, unfortunately, we can’t assume that doctors, healthcare practitioners, and therapists have sufficient training in:
• Gender and sexuality, (as well as race, class, and disability), in general
• LGBTQIA+ identities in particular
• The impact of menopause
Let alone when occurring together!

• Raising awareness on social media
• Groundbreaking peer-reviewed research
• Evidence to Parliament
• Pink Therapy book chapter
• Article in The Lancet
• Nominated for National Diversity Awards 2024 – LGBT Role Model

Services provided for

  1. Bisexual Women
  2. Lesbians/Gay Women
  3. Trans People/People with gender histories
  4. Women

Key areas of work

  1. Campaigning/Activism
  2. Education
  3. Resource Library

Contact Details

Opening Hours

Meeting Times

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