Pride Wide


Pride Wide is a global non-profit organisation and movement using the power of conversation and media to raise the voices of LGBTQIA+ people and make change.

Too often the narrative about LGBTQIA+ people is set by hostile media, religious and political extremists and trolls. Our strategy takes the narrative power back into our hands.

We believe all LGBTQIA+ people, wherever they are in the world, should be free, equal, visible, included, healthy and happy. At Pride Wide, our job is to change the conversation so we make that dream a reality.

We’ve assembled a global team of community, media and business leaders to deliver this across four key strategies:

  • 1. Uniting people to shape an LGBTQIA+ owned narrative and take shared responsibility for delivering it.
  • 2. Creating exclusive, investigative, fact-checked content from a 24/7/365 professional team and distributing it on our own site, app, social and digital media.
  • 3. Amplifying that content across other media platforms, through social influencers and with the support of brands, businesses and other organisations.
  • 4. Developing talent so the future narratives around LGBTQIA+ people include us all and so LGBTQIA+ campaigners and communities have the most powerful voice whenever issues that affect us arise.


We will be launching Pride Wide in 2024.

Services provided for

  1. Ace Spectrum Communities
  2. All LGBT+ Communities
  3. Brown, Black and Multi-Racial People of the Global Majority (PGM)
  4. Intersex/Variations in Sex Characteristics (VSC)
  5. Men
  6. Non-UK Residents
  7. People of Faith
  8. People over 50
  9. People with disabilities
  10. Women
  11. Young People

Key areas of work

  1. Advice/Information
  2. Advocacy
  3. Campaigning/Activism
  4. Education
  5. Equal Opportunities/Discrimination
  6. Publications
  7. Research
  8. Resource Library
  9. Training

Contact Details

Opening Hours

Meeting Times

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