Paned o Gê

Paned o Gà Logo copy

Paned o Gê is a queer bookshop based in Cardiff, Wales. A social enterprise designed to highlight, promote and celebrate LGBTQ+ talent and creators, the shop currently operating online and has a presence at The Queer Emporium in Cardiff. The shop runs a variety of social programmes and events throughout the year, including our Pay It Forward scheme, book clubs and play reading sessions. Follow us on @panedoge on social media, send us an email ([email protected]) or head to our website ( for further information.

Agorodd Paned o Gê, siop llyfrau LHDT+ yng Nghaerdydd, yn 2020.  Sefydlwyd y fenter gymdeithasol i hyrwyddo a dathlu popeth LHDT+, ac er ein bod yn gweithredu fel siop arlein am y tro, mae gennym ni presenoldeb yn The Queer Emporium hefyd.  Mae’r siop yn rhedeg nifer o raglenni cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys clwb ddarllen digidol yn fisol a chynllun Talu Ymlaen.  Dilynwch ni ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol (@panedoge), gyrrwch ebost i ni ([email protected]) neu ewch i’n wefan ( am fwy o wybodaeth.

Services provided for

  1. Ace Spectrum Communities
  2. All LGBT+ Communities
  3. Bisexual Men
  4. Bisexual Women
  5. Brown, Black and Multi-Racial People of the Global Majority (PGM)
  6. Gay Men
  7. Intersex/Variations in Sex Characteristics (VSC)
  8. Lesbians/Gay Women
  9. Men
  10. Non-UK Residents
  11. People of Faith
  12. People over 50
  13. People with disabilities
  14. Trans People/People with gender histories
  15. Women

Key areas of work

  1. Arts
  2. Events
  3. Networks
  4. Pride

Contact Details

Opening Hours

Meeting Times

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