LGBT+ Sparkle Social Group Wolverhampton


LGBT+ Sparkle Social Group Wolverhampton was started up 15 months ago and we work with our partners Healthwatch Wolverhampton for anyone that needs support and they will signpost the individual to the relevant services.

We also do a lot of networking with other organisations that join our group every Thursday at 2pm via Zoom and we also have guest speakers raising awareness of issues in the LGBT+ community.

We hold online quizzes and yoga with another of our partners called Wild Wolf Movement.

It is a safe space for the LGBT+ community and we also have allies joining our Social Group.

Services provided for

  1. All LGBT+ Communities
  2. Brown, Black and Multi-Racial People of the Global Majority (PGM)
  3. Men
  4. People of Faith
  5. People over 50
  6. People with disabilities
  7. Women
  8. Young People

Key areas of work

  1. Advice/Information
  2. Disability
  3. Domestic Abuse
  4. Education
  5. Equal Opportunities/Discrimination
  6. Faith
  7. Gender
  8. Healthcare
  9. Housing/Homelessness
  10. Mental Health
  11. Sexual Health
  12. Sexual Violence
  13. Substance Misuse
  14. Volunteering

Contact Details


07515 518568


[email protected]


Opening Hours

10am til 5pm

Meeting Times

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