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Welcome to HouseProud, the network for LGBT+ people working in the social housing sector!

Our purpose is to make housing better for LGBT+ colleagues and customers. We encourage a more diverse workforce in social housing and empower LGBT+ people to fulfil their potential and support others to develop in their chosen career. The network is free to join and you can join as an individual even if your organisation is not part of the pledge scheme.

At HouseProud we:

  • Provide training opportunities.
  • Run networking and awareness events.
  • Co-ordinate Housing representation at Pride’s.
  • Hold conferences.
  • Lobby to make housing better for LGBT+ colleagues and customers.
  • Share best practice.
  • Conduct research with partners.
  • Created and co-deliver the national HouseProud pledge scheme.
  • We raise awareness of LGBT+ issues across the sector and influence Housing policy and Boards/decision makers.
  • We provide a network and safe space for LGBT+ social housing colleagues; especially those who may feel isolated in smaller housing providers.


Find out more about us at our website ( or on LinkedIN. You can also follow us on Twitter.

Services provided for

  1. All LGBT+ Communities
  2. Brown, Black and Multi-Racial People of the Global Majority (PGM)
  3. Intersex/Variations in Sex Characteristics (VSC)
  4. Men
  5. People of Faith
  6. People over 50
  7. People with disabilities
  8. Women
  9. Young People

Key areas of work

  1. Advice/Information
  2. Advocacy
  3. Housing/Homelessness
  4. Networks
  5. Research
  6. Training

Contact Details

Opening Hours

9-5 Monday to Friday

Meeting Times

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