Gendered Intelligence


Gendered Intelligence works with the trans community and all those who impact on trans lives and specialises in supporting young trans people 8-30. Our vision is of a world where people are no longer constrained by narrow perceptions and expectations of gender, and where diverse gender expressions are visible and valued.

We deliver:

Trans Youth Work: Regular group sessions in London, Bristol and Leeds for young trans people up to the age of 25, residentials, peer support for parents and carers and special projects.

Work in Education: Working one to one mentoring with young trans people from across England in their educational settings, workshops and assemblies for students across all educational sectors, staff training, consultation and policy development.

Professional Services: Trans Awareness and Inclusion training, consultancy work, policy development and a membership scheme. Gendered Intelligence support line for trans and gender questioning people. Our telephone service operates three days a week on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday between 1-6pm. Please download the flyer at the bottom of this page for more information.

Support Line Service: We offer trans and non binary patients of Nottingham, East of England, Sheffield and the Laurels GICs an informed and gender diversity affirming listening ear. Our support line and its associated email and Whatsapp is run everyday by trans and non binary people to support our community through the GIC process. Find more details here.

Public Events: Presentations, conferences, panel discussions, lectures and workshops.

Gendered Intelligence aims are:

  • To increase the quality of trans people’s life experiences, in particularly young trans people.
  • To increase the visibility of trans people’s lives and to raise awareness of trans people’s needs, especially young trans people, across the UK and beyond.
  • To contribute to the creation of community cohesion across the whole of the trans community and the wider Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) community throughout the UK.
  • To engage the wider community in understanding the diversity and complexity of gender.

Services provided for

  1. Brown, Black and Multi-Racial People of the Global Majority (PGM)
  2. Trans People/People with gender histories
  3. Young People

Key areas of work

  1. Education
  2. Events
  3. Helpline
  4. Mental Health
  5. Outdoors/Sports
  6. Publications
  7. Self-help/Support Group
  8. Training
  9. Volunteering

Contact Details


0330 355 9678


[email protected]


Opening Hours

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