Drag Queen Story Time


Drag Queen Story Time is a local project, inspired by a similar project in the United States. The premise is simple: Local Drag Queens providing a fun, inclusive, reading time for local schools, children and hospitals. The aim of DQST is to capture the imagination and fun of the gender fluidity of childhood, while giving children a glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role model. DQST provides spaces in which kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and allow them to imagine a world in which people can present as they wish. Where dress up is real. Drag Queen Story Time is where fairytales come to life. Presented by real Queens. DQST will focus on conventional fairytales, as well as feminist fairytales and gender fluid novels aimed at young children. The thought behind this is that intolerance, homophobia, and other negative thought patterns, are all learnt behaviours. DQST aims to challenge these negative views at a young age. Instead, providing an alternative view of acceptance and tolerance; all within an educational environment. We have worked with various Community Centres, Cultural Centres, Libraries, Nurseries and Schools, as part of a larger initiative to create a more inclusive Educational System across the UK.

Services provided for

  1. All LGBT+ Communities
  2. Brown, Black and Multi-Racial People of the Global Majority (PGM)
  3. Men
  4. People of Faith
  5. People over 50
  6. People with disabilities
  7. Women
  8. Young People

Key areas of work

  1. Education
  2. Events
  3. Pride
  4. Resource Library

Contact Details


07845 737353


[email protected]



Opening Hours

Meeting Times

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