Bournethisway LGBTQ Parents Support Group

Bournethisway parents support group in East Sussex. We provide a safe, non-judgemental, inclusive, friendly environment for us and our children between 0-5 yr. Some families are led by solo parents or carers, some have two mums or two dads or both but whoever is included in the family, everyone is welcome.

Membership is open to ALL LGBTQ+ parents and prospective parents and their children. This is a non-profit organisation and free group to join. This group will bring people together within the community who are going through similar experiences, feelings & could potentially share coping strategies.

As the founder & chair of this new community group i am extremely passionate about driving this forward and developing it. I am a gay woman who has a 4 month year old baby and is doing this solo. I know how hard it can be to try to find the correct information out there on how to start the process of having a child. I came across a lot of in-direct and direct discrimination from some of the health care services and the assumption of being heterosexual was constantly assumed. It was a very emotional and lonely process with little to no information, support about what the next steps were going forward to starting a family. This has given me the tools, knowledge and understanding to develop this support group and try to enhance peoples experiences and put all the info in one place to make it an easier journey for the LGBTQ+ community.
Some LGBTQ+ people who may be thinking about starting a family or getting pregnant can feel isolated, lonely and lost and this service provides support, information, advice and guidance or we will refer to other useful organisations that may help further. We want to help close the gap on in-equality and make this overall a smoother journey to potentially becoming a parent.

Services provided for

  1. All LGBT+ Communities
  2. Bisexual Men
  3. Brown, Black and Multi-Racial People of the Global Majority (PGM)
  4. Gay Men
  5. Men
  6. Non-UK Residents
  7. People over 50
  8. People with disabilities
  9. Trans People/People with gender histories
  10. Women

Key areas of work

  1. Advice/Information
  2. Counselling
  3. Equal Opportunities/Discrimination
  4. Gender
  5. Healthcare
  6. Pride
  7. Self-help/Support Group

Contact Details


07736 569771


[email protected]


Opening Hours

Meeting Times

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