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Supporting LGBTQ+ Voters

You now need to show an accepted form of photo ID to vote at polling stations in upcoming elections. This an unprecedented change to voting rights and poses particular challenges for LGBTQ+ voters. This online workshop is for LGBTQ+ charities, community groups, and individual campaigners. The session will consist of a presentation and Q&A which will provide you with the following tools:

● Understanding changes to election law brought about by the Elections Act (2022)

● Specific knowledge of how this affects LGBTQ+ people (especially trans people and younger groups)

● Effective routes to engage service users and prepare them to vote

● Pre-approved digital campaign materials that can be used by your organisation

Whether you’re a large charity engaging with thousands of service users or a smaller community group,
this training is for you. The session is free, and we will be providing plenty of time for attendees to ask
any specific questions about the Elections Act and how it affects your beneficiaries.

Why are these workshops necessary?

The inequalities LGBTQ+ people face mean that the introduction of photo Voter ID in elections may have
a disproportionate impact on their ability to vote. The LGBT Voter ID Report produced by Stonewall and
LGBT Foundation found that:

● LGBTQ+ people are three times more likely not to have any photo ID that could be used to vote.

● Nearly a quarter of trans respondents and nearly one in five non-binary people surveyed said
they do not own “usable” photo ID.

● 38% of trans respondents and 35% of non-binary respondents have previously experienced problems getting their ID accepted. This can be because their appearance does not match their gender marker.

● 55% of trans people and 52% of non-binary respondents said that they would be less likely to vote if Voter ID was mandatory.

We have meticulously studied the Elections Act 2022 to create tailored advice for our community. Sharing this information is vital if the above inequalities are to be mitigated by the time of the next election.

In the interests of safety and keeping our event secure, please sign up for a ticket using your organisational email.

You can book a space here.

If you have any questions regarding the training, please email [email protected].

Event Details

29th November 2023 • 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm




020 7738 6872
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