VAWG Grassroots Fund

The London Community Foundation (LCF) is pleased to launch the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime’s (MOPAC) Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Grassroots Fund.

This £3m fund will support existing VAWG-specialist grassroots organisations operating across London’s diverse communities. The aim of the fund is to support the resilience of grassroots organisations who focus on ending VAWG by providing two-year grants of up to £100,000 and a programme of capacity building, peer support and networking events.

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a damaging impact on community organisations and has changed the way we work for the foreseeable future. We recognise that Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities are disproportionately affected by Covid-19 and that existing structural inequalities have contributed to this outcome. We also recognise that grassroots organisations serving BME communities continue to deliver vital support to the worst affected communities in London. We appreciate that now – more than ever – ring-fenced funding for BME VAWG organisations is needed.

Who can apply?
The Fund will award two-year grants to specialist, grassroots ending VAWG organisations with an income of less than £500k. A minimum of 60% of funding will be prioritised for grassroots, by and for, BME specialist organisations. A maximum of 40% will be for specialist grassroots community organisations who provide ending VAWG services for marginalised and minoritised groups such as disabled women, LBTQ+ women, women with no recourse to public funds and women involved in prostitution.

Grant size
For individual organisations, two-year grants of between £30,000 (£15,000 per year) and £100,000 (£50,000 per year) are available. Partnerships of up to three organisations can apply for two-year grants of up to £120,000 (£60,000 per year) for the partnership.

How to apply
Please visit our website to read the Fund Prospectus before applying. All applicants must answer a few short questions about their organisation and proposal to ensure they are eligible before being invited to complete a full application form.

The fund closes for applications at 12pm on January 11th 2021.

Please visit our website for further information on Applicant Support.

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