Trans Community Partnership Launch New Research and Development Programme

The new Trans Learning Partnership* (TLP) led by Spectra, are proud to announce grant funding from the City Bridge Trust, the City of London Corporation’s charitable funder. This grant will fund the 18-month development phase of a larger programme, which will establish a platform to share and evaluate service level information, outcomes and good practice, and identify key research pieces, for which further academic funding will be sought.

The TLP will drive the development of a robust service and advocacy-oriented evidence base, enabling trans services and their service users to have needs-based, impactful services.

The TLP partners are committed to a community participatory model of working, putting trans and non-binary people at the centre of the conception, design, guidance and delivery of all elements of the programme. Our decision-making group is structured so that trans and non-binary people always have the casting votes.

Together, the TLP believe we can share knowledge, experience and good practice as well as support the development of research that will directly impact how services are conceived and delivered in future.

Spectra’s CEO, Karen Skipper comments:

“Spectra are delighted that with the support of this City Bridge Trust grant, the dynamic new Trans Learning Partnership* can begin development of its 4 year programme; identifying and co-producing research, with trans people at its core, that will result in better services for trans and non-binary people in future. For the first time, we will also have a monitoring and evaluation platform that allows us to transition tacit knowledge held in our organisations into widely disseminated, utilisable information, improving services for many trans people.”

*The Trans Learning Partnership consists of 4 trans and non-binary community participants, 2 academics and 4 representatives of agencies delivering services directly with trans people – Spectra, Mermaids, Gendered Intelligence and LGBT Foundation. The academic institutions are Nottingham University and Goldsmiths, University of London.


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